βš™οΈConfiguring Preferences

This guide is intended to help you understand the preferences and configuration points available to you while interacting with Aver.

You can configure your preferences at any time by navigating to the 'Account Settings' subtab on the 'Account Overview' page.

Toggle the drop down menu under your compressed wallet address and click the 'Settings' button to go there.

Price/Odds Formats

Aver supports three types of odds:

  • Decimal

  • American

  • Probability (the default odds format on Aver)

For more information on how these price/odds formats work, please view the Odds/Pricing section.

Size Formats

Participants can choose between their potential payout or their stake to be displayed during trading.

Light and Dark Mode

Participants can toggle between light/dark mode depending on which they visually prefer. Please note, this is only a visual setting - there are no differences between the two aside from color scheme.

Pro & Simple Display Modes

Participants can toggle between pro/simple display modes depending on their level of experience.

Pro Mode This interface is best suited to experienced participants and resembles what one would see on a web2 betting exchange. This interface has the option to bet that an outcome will occur (buy/back) or won’t occur (sell/lay).

Simple Mode This interface is best suited to beginners and resembles what a participant would see on a web2 sportsbook. This interface only has the option to bet that an outcome will occur (buy/back).


By choosing your favourite markets, the discovery page and search algorithms can better suggest markets that you would be interested in wagering on.


Should you need to take a break from trading, Aver has a self-exclusion feature to help you.

After clicking 'Self Exclude' you will be prompted with a modal window where you can choose a date up until which this wallet will not be permitted to enter new trades on Aver.

Configuring On-the-go

If you'd like to configure your preferences without navigating to the 'Account Settings' subtab, simply click on the cog button on the top of the window at any time.

This will toggle a dropdown menu which allows you to change price/odd formats and change size formats as well as switch between dark/light mode and pro/simple mode.

Last updated