Selecting a Network

How to select the right instance of Aver Exchange.

Mainnet Beta vs. Devnet

Before connecting to Aver, youโ€™ll have to select which instance of the Aver Exchange you want to use. You can interact with two different instances of the application, each on a different Solana network instance:

Solana Mainnet -

Solana Devnet -

The Solana blockchain (as well as other blockchains) has different network instances for development purposes. Read detailed information about the different instances here.


Solana Mainnet is the live, primary protocol - transactions that occur on Mainnet utilize 'real' funds and are recorded on its distributed ledger.

Aver Mainnet is the production version of the application - it involves real risk when placing trades. To interact with this application, youโ€™ll need to have 'real' SOL and USDC in your Solana wallet.


Solana Devnet is an alternative environment that mimics the function of Mainnet to provide users, token holders, developers and validators with the opportunity to experience or test the protocol - transactions that occur on Devnet do not utilize 'real' funds.

Aver Devnet is the sandbox version of the application - no real risk is involved when placing trades. To interact with this application, youโ€™ll need to have 'play' SOL and USDC in your Solana wallet. You can acquire 'play' funds on the Aver faucet, or any other Solana Devnet faucet.

Read more about funding your wallet, what USDC and SOL are, and why youโ€™ll need them in the Funding Your Wallet section of the documentation.

After selecting which instance of the application you'd like to use, it's time to connect to the application.

Last updated