
A guide on integrating with the Aver Protocol

What is Aver?

Aver is a unique blockchain protocol on Solana which facilitates the listing of prediction markets and the trustless, decentralized exchange of betting positions.

This is achieved through a fully on-chain orderbook, collateralized vaults and oracle-driven market resolution.

Who is this guide for?

This is a technical guide to support integration with the protocol to enable automated trading, market-making and development of unique applications.

While this guide does not require a deep understanding of blockchain or Solana concepts, it does require a considerable amount of understanding of basic technology, web integration concepts, fundamental concepts of central limit orderbooks (CLOBs) and exchanges interactions.

Where to Start?

New to Aver?

Go through the non-technical documentation to familiarize yourself with the core concepts about Aver.

Want to understand how the Aver protocol works?

The 'How Aver Works' section covers all of the key fundamentals of how the Aver protocol works, and the lifecycle a given market will flow through.

Explanations of how data is stored and updated on-chain, as well as how actions and processes can be triggered and managed trustlessly are set out here too.

New to interacting with a blockchain?

If you are completely new to blockchains and the concept of sending transactions to a blockchain, we suggest you read our primers on the Solana blockchain and transaction signing.

Want to see a practical 'end-to-end' example?

If you're trying to grasp the steps involved, go through our end-to-end example - which is illustrated with follow along Python and Typescript code snippets, and an accompanying example script in the respective SDKs.

Still have questions?

The Aver core team is continuously working to improve the quality and coverage of our integration documentation.

If you have found particular sections were not sufficiently helpful, or believe other pieces of information would make the process simpler or easier to understand - your input would be very much welcomed.

Join our Discord, claim a developer role in our #claim-roles channel, and start posting questions or raising integration discussions in the #dev-support channel. Otherwise, feel free to email us at contact@aver.exchange or tweet us at @averexchange.

Last updated